Historic District Improvement Grant
The purpose of the Historic District Improvement Grant Program is to enhance the economic vitality of the Sealy Historic District by encouraging businesses to make visually appealing, or business sustainability improvements to business establishments, which would result in additional business activity, generating more sales tax, or the promotion thereof.
This grant program is sponsored by the Sealy Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors (SEDC) who may amend, adjust, or eliminate the program or parts thereof at any time.
Applicants can apply for grants covering:
- Façade Improvements
- Sign Improvements
- Electrical and Plumbing Improvements
- Interior Improvements
- ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Improvements
Applicants Can Apply For Grants Covering:
Facade Improvement
The mural in Downtown Sealy was an improvement project financially supported by the Sealy Economic Development Corporation.
Sign Improvements
Bill’s Country Market applied for and received an improvement grant for new signage which went along with other renovations they did.
Interior Improvements
Saddleback Salloon in Downtown Sealy received an improvement grant to help with restoration and refurbishment of one of Sealy’s older buildings.
Who Can Apply For The Grant?
Any new business planning to locate within the Sealy Historic District, or any business currently located within the Sealy Historic District , shall be eligible for the above listed grants.
For guidelines concerning this grant program, please download the “Historic District Improvement Grant & Policy Guidelines” as well as the “Historic District Improvement Grant Application” forms. Please fill them out and submit them to the Sealy EDC either in person or you can email them to
Sealy Economic Development Corporation
313 Main Street
PO Box 517
Sealy, Texas 77474
Sealy EDC Main Number :
(979) 627-6127
Our Mission…We strive to encourage business growth, to create and retain employment opportunities, and to improve the quality of life in Sealy.